Thursday, October 7, 2010

Cell Phones and our Social Structure

I believe that cell phones increase our ability to be social. With cell phones, it is like everyone within speaking distance and no one can get very far apart. Although physical distance can be a factor in how close friends are, with cell phones no matter how far we are from each other they can still talk. Because of this, friendship retention rates are the highest they have ever been. Under previous circumstances, distance usually meant deterioration of the friendship because they would cease communication and eventually replace each other with others who are closer.
Also cell phone help friendships because when they are in a close proximity to each other, they can make plans with a lot less effort. Instead of making plans days before the actual event, friends can call text each other just minutes before they meet up to do whatever they wanted to do. The new speed and spontaneous activity that friends are able to do with cell phones increase social activity. Also instead of trying to free up everyone's schedules for a time when every friend in a group gets together is no longer needed. Now a mass text can be sent to everyone in a specific group in a matter of seconds. This progress is all due to the spread of cell phones.

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