Thursday, October 21, 2010

Response to Questions: Phone Conversation as Filler and IM Lingo

Firstly, I find myself not only using phone conversations as a filler, but pretending to be texting on my phone as a filler all of the time. I don't even think that it is something that people think about anymore. For example one time I was in an elevator with a stranger and I noticed that we both started to look at our phone and go through it. Also if I'm ever walking by myself in the dark sometimes I would pick up my phone and call a friend. Actually, I even have pretended to be in a phone conversation to ease my discomfort of being alone and/or watched by somebody. Why do I do this? I guess to avoid looking or actually being alone in an awkward situation.
As far as instant messaging goes, I think that sometimes voice can be lost, or misinterpreted. Using the lingo such as lol, bff, or ttyl (etc.) has become more and more used in real life conversations as a matter of fact. I find it interesting how even adults have been starting to make the transformation--perhaps the entire language will be made up of simple abbreviations that we are required to know by heart, in the future.

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