Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Questions on WikiLeak

1.) After looking at wikileaks.org for a better understanding, and reading the article by G. Greenwald, would you say you agree with his take on the situation, or would you tend to disagree? Why?

2.) Also, with the some four hundred thousand page document being release/ leaked, how would this help display the way technology has helped shape our society- or shown the way in which technology has advanced?

3.) Lastly, now knowing th info that was leaked, does it change the way you think about our government, military/ armed forces, in anyway, and if so why?


  1. The way over four hundred thousand page documents were leaked onto the net so fast shows that our technology has advanced and that it is shaping our society. People are now on the net so much and millions found this information within hours of its leaking. A few years ago this couldn't have been done. As Daniel Ellsberg said, years ago it would have taken hours to get the information ready and released, if not days. I also think that it makes our society rushed. When I was watching the clip I was thinking 'wow, that would take forever,' because I am so used to getting information fast, when I want it and how I want it; on my time.
    Now knowing the information that was leaked doesn't change my view of the government. I already knew that they keep secrets in the name of national security. I already basically knew that the armed forces were doing things that weren't ethical and such and, as much as it shames me to admit it, I think that even though I know it, I can ignore it easily because it upsets me and I don't want to think about it; plus it isn't exactly intruding on my world.

  2. G.Greenwald definitely highlights a situation that people are becoming increasingly aware of in our time period. Manipulated information changes the way people think about a certain topic, and to make the 'correct' choices its important to get all the information one needs. However, the NYT's lack of coverage is understandable. Unbiased news reporting is wide spread and criticism can only go so far within a mainstream agency when it comes to comments on something as sensitive as the War in Iraq. Mainstream news groups in many ways define the way their country is perceived by the world and its own people. This also however is highly debatable.
    Moreover, its important that the smaller agencies exonerate the information seen in the wikileaks as it is a game changer in how people perceive and decide to support the Iraq War. 20,000 civilian deaths versus 60,000 civilian deaths is a big deal. Our current technology allows for this information to be consumed by the masses instantly, having its desired effect on our culture light speed fast. Even though, the way our culture takes in information presently is in binged sized portions, and i worry that even with the introduction of such information, without proper mainstream converge and exposure people will forget its meaning/importance.
