Monday, September 27, 2010

Globalization and Networks

I believe that globalization isn't anything new to the world. Yet it has clearly become more prominent and acceptable. The example that Slack & Wise starts out about the different religions and cultures is particularly interesting. To me it shows how even with technology taking over people's lives, religious morals and beliefs are not lost. Perhaps this can be a transition into why anti-globalization is a bit extreme. Vandana Shiva, argues that globalization is dangerous and especially detrimental to women. However, I can't help to think of where the world would be without globalization. I think that many people complain and look for reasons to try to change the way things are. Yet they don't look at what they are doing every day, and how hypocritical they are.

The quote about power residing in networks I also found very interesting. Although it may be contradicting my view on globalization, I do somewhat agree with this. Perhaps because Castelle gives a convincing point. Yet, everything and everyone weather they think so or not are a part of a network. Networks become their own societies. It just so happens that now they are technological, which makes them more globalized. "Networks matter because they are the underlying structure of our lives"-- This is what Castelle says at the end of his article and I think that it is completely true. Without a network, and knowledge of the structure it is almost impossible to be sucesful in our lives.

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