Wednesday, September 22, 2010

You know. When it comes to politics&technology resulting in unaccounted for excessive changes that splinter off status quo transfomations that might not be great for our culture, I am ready and willing TO... debate.

Authoritarian systems continually crop up due to the production and distribution of technology. As was cited in the articles assigned human relations become defined by the technologies around us and by side effect create contingencies that result in types of authoritarian order. It can look as simple as one person having a better car then another (thus becoming more 'popular'), or a company that has downsized their staff by introducing touch screen teleprompts; technology is here and its manipulating our lives in authoritative ways.
The 'autonomous technology' seems to be on its way to create a digital age defined by digital information. Facebook and internet databases allow us to find information about each other and anything else. The politics that once ushered us into the library to find books has now turned into the politics of urls and hyberlinks. It could be said that the internet is free but experienced cyber-hackers, phishing schemes, and tracking agencies act as metaphoric "sharks in the water" that provides a loose situation that could be only the start of its regulation. If anything once targeted by any of these 'threats' its much easier to start over and worm your way through internet freedom again. Still though this is just our current status quo.
The comments made in the articles have me thinking that the best course of action is the concept of strong democracy. Allowing individuals to become the jury in the case of new technology sounds like and exciting idea. As stated in also in the article one should remember that jury is subjected to the progress stream that we all have been on/touched since our conceptions. Making the jurors possible unfit to judge.
The creation of authorities due to technology is definitely troublesome. As if we didnt have enough 'laughs.' The creation of authorities out of technology seems to be the result of bad preparation made by the experts of our rhetoric situation. One example would be the creation of the Car, which was then followed by the creation of the road, which was then followed by the creation of traffic laws, which was then followed by stricter traffic laws etc etc.. However I must say that life without contingencies might prove to be boring... Which is why i believe that contingency plans must be created to accompany any and all technologies put out on the market, after having the technology thoroughly tested for unintended side effects! Similar to how they release new medicines and food for pet animals. tests tests tests.. its the way to go..

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