Monday, September 27, 2010


     After reading today’s assignment in Culture and Technology, I found that the concept of globalization and antiglobalization, to be very interesting and a very big issue in our society. I had no idea that is was as large and growing issue as it seems to be. Although I feel if I had to choose a side to agree with more, I would choose globalization- to an extent.
     Globalization to me sounds as if it is a good thing for certain aspects of society, such as the developmental, progress and convenience. Although I feel that “development” is the factor that I agree with most. Slack and Wise explain that globalization has helped the development of technology and the advancement of it in “underdeveloped” or “developing” worlds, to help them grown and become more modernized. (pg 185) But, with that being said, I feel that, like it says in the book, more attention needs to be recognized in the aspect of culture. Development is good, when certain important aspects are given attention to. Yet their explanation of globalization became clearer after reading the five “scapes”.    
     The five scapes, or landscapes ad Slack and Wise call it, help explain the globalization further. The five landscapes, are, ethnoscapes, mediascapes, technoscapes, finanscapes, and ideoscapes. All five have to be considered when making advances in development, such as the placement of people, production, the movement of technology, money and the political aspect of the culture. While each landscape seems to build on each other or relate in one way or another to further globalization and the advancement of technologies in different cultures. 

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