Monday, September 27, 2010

thoughts on globalization

Thoughts on Globalization:

Positive aspects of Globalization-
            Poster child for methods in which increased global understanding and interaction can be attained, Globalization includes definitions spectrum wide that deal with increased confirmation of the importance of a person’s perspective worldwide. Use of the internet provides new methods of communication in which divides that were present, are no longer a divisions as powerful as they once were. Seeing this term as a community unification more than a scheme for Global dominance, by whatever shadowy figures desire that result, seems to be the more popular approach, and I agree that its relevance is both more productive and appealing.
            With a wider global community perspective, problems at home do not seem so harsh. People complain, or some do anyway, about the crashing dollar, bailouts, the federal reserve and other economically paralyzing structures, however are comforted that the ultimate self destruction of these institutions will provide new opportunities to transform them into more sustainable and globally considerate projects.

Negative aspects of globalization-
            On the other hand, there are people who, interestingly enough, use aspects of globalization to debauch its mechanics and agenda. Alex Jones, a man from Texas popular for criticizing what he calls the ‘global elite’ for the past decade, has a radio show online that attracts literally millions of listeners every show. He hosts his show with spice and feeling that, while it is very informing, seems to succeed only exposing things like banking scams, political frauds, and really pisses people off.
            His view, although respectively, is merely speculation as far as conclusions. However, these conclusions are from a background immersed in endless amounts of research, hacked and leaked documents, Black- ops testimonies from government insiders, with fact being a substantial part of these claims his viewers and listeners on YouTube and his two websites are convinced. This is nothing to be criticized however, as there is a negative and positive aspect to all things, and meaning resides in a person’s perspective on the matter.

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