Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Networks: Productive or Detrimental to Society?

    Ever since social networks came about they have taken off to be a huge hit on the internet.  Facebook now has millions upon millions of members and I personally have about 700 "facebook friends", half of whom I never talk to and some I barely even know.  They now even have a movie coming out about facebook and how much it is impacting our society.  But are social networks Productive or detrimental to our society?          
    Other than the typical type of network that we think of today, an internet social network, networks can also be word of mouth communication in getting your name out into the world.  This is a huge business practice and an effective way for up and coming college graduates to make a name for themselves in the career that they want to pursue. Some businesses even rely on networking to bring in most of their business.  For example, if you have ever heard of Amway Global, they have been around since the eighties, and are one of the biggest fortune 500 companies in America, but only recently have started producing commercials.  They relied solely on word of mouth networking to do business.  Now many people, including me will argue that this business is a business pyramid scheme and in no way should you get involved in this business, but nevertheless social networking is more prevalent in the business world than people think.
    I believe that one has to look at the context in how an individual is using the netwrok to determine whether or not it is detrimental.  If you are using facebook to keep in touch with long lost friends, than I don't see any problem with that.  But if you are using it to stalk people who you dont know or post obnoxious pictures and show off how cool you think you are, than it is detrimental to both our society and your own reputation.  As far as other types of networking.  I think that networking in the business world is a revolutionary idea and awesome in the business world.  Maybe not for a pyramid scheme, but for a student in college to go to a career fair and hand out resumes to different companies and businesses and get his/her name out in the world, that is networking at its finest.

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